V2 Artists comprises of two completely different personalities, and as artists, we bring to the canvas two different skillets and talent that completely complement each other. All of our paintings are a joint effort, which is unusual and unheard of. Just as in our daily life, we continuously support each other and encourage each others ideas and decisions. Our friendship is the key to our success and all our future endeavors
Varsha Parikh

An artist is better known and understood through his or her paintings. And I believe It's the best form of expressing oneself. My name is Varsha Parikh and I am an artist who is fond of any form of art and nature. I have been an artist all my life. However, I finally found peace with myself when I took my passion of painting from a simple hobby to a full time profession. Some things in life are hard to express to anyone and i find that through colors and textures I am able to release all my stress. Art helps me channelize my feelings and energy into beautiful creations. My favorite paintings are a result of a deep desire to express my utmost feelings of happiness and pain. I do believe that personal life and experiences not only moulds one into a good human but also a beautiful artist.

I spent most of my School years in learning and improvising different styles and forms of painting. After passing my Elementary and Intermediate exams, my family saw my interest in art and thought I could help in the family business by educating me in textile designing. I joined Sophia Polytechnic to pursue Textile Designing. This was a passport to my career as an artist. At Sophia I also got designing experience and many other opportunities to showcase my talent..

There comes a time in many professional woman's life, where life and its demands take priority and passion takes a backseat and merely becomes a hobby. For many years I devoted myself to my family and children. Nevertheless, I never lost touch with my art. In my free time I learnt various types of texture painting. I moulded pots and created artifacts and supplied to various leading stores like Satguru, Tresorie, Dhoop, Amarson and many others in south Mumbai.

Fortunately, my keen interest and desire to learn helped me overcome my negativities and bring my dream of becoming a full time artist and creator to fruition. V2 artist was formed when my best friend and I started painting together on a single piece of canvas. This created a new form of art which expressed two individual ideas on one canvas. I spend most of my time creating new art at my studio. My studio is a place where my creative ideas comes to life in form of art. It is my temple where I worship my art and feel one with the super power.

Dr. Smruti Bhukhanwala

THE CIRCLE OF LIFE...... / ACHIEVING HARMONY The saying goes that we are different personalities at various points in our lives. One personality dominates - depending on our situations, our surroundings, our upbringing and most important our genes.

From a shy creative child to an empathic doctor, from a busy wife to an indulgent mother - I have lived through all these phases. Throughout this entire journey there was always an artist simmering and smoldering inside me - an omnipresent spirit that was forced to stay in the background.

In the past, wearing multiple hats I could only sketch in my free time. I am now fortunate enough to strike a balance between family, painting and surroundings. Today I am a free spirited artist and have created a beautiful studio where my partner and I work together on our paintings.

Expressions of one's inner self are realized in different ways and I always knew that for me it was through my art....painting, canvas and colors. I have always painted from my heart and my emotions, moods and volition are the greatest factors that determine the colors and themes of my paintings. My favorite moments are spent creating. It is through canvas that I am able to give my ideas a beautiful form.

I have been lucky as in life's journey I have come back right where I want to be - in my studio, with my paints and colors, my canvases and most importantly with my inner self - at peace. I am secure in the knowledge that I have found my purpose in life, without having to give up anything. My colors and paintings reflect this inner peace and contentment and I am always grateful to God for helping me achieve my true calling.

Now I am in complete harmony with my family, surroundings and my paintings
